Please tell us about your novel
What inspired you to write it?
Sometimes it’s a moment in time, an image that gets trapped inside my mind, or my imagination takes over. I come up with a general idea and then start to imagine how it works, where it will go, and how to get there. Sometimes I like to write in absolute silence, sometimes with music blasting. I never know what my muse needs all the time, but once I figure it out the words seem to flow freely.
Who is your favorite character and why?
Lysandra is definitely my favorite character in this book. Her passion for life, despite her troubled circumstances drives the story forward. She finds the ability to not only love Aiden, but to find the power of love within herself, a power tied directly to the Adrianic magic that is handed down to every woman of Lena.
What made you decide to write a book?
I’ve had scenes stuck in my mind for years, of what I would write if I wrote a romance novel. This book gave me a chance to get some of those scenes out. When I realized the freedom of creating characters that knew magic or shapeshifted, the whole story became even more exciting. There really aren’t the same limitations on the romance genre that their used to be.
Who are the writers that inspire you the most?
This question is hard to answer, as my favorite authors have changed over the years. As a child, I loved C.S. Lewis, Jean Craighead George, and Judy Blume. I absolutely love J.K. Rowling and respect the change she has brought to the literary world for children. Right now though, I would have to say that my colleagues inspire me. Those that have come before me and ushered me through this process, they have my utmost respect. A big shout out to Joann H. Buchanan, author of Soulless Light, I Am Wolf, and The Kiss. She has been with me over this year, holding my hand and helping me realize that the dream is not so difficult to achieve if the right amount of effort is put forward.
Where do you get your inspiration?
Inspiration, sometimes it’s fleeting, especially if your engine is running on low. For me I get inspiration from those around me who support my dreams to become better with each book. I see my fellow writers putting out book after book. These same people encourage you to keep going.
If you were an animal what would you be and why?
I’m a wolf of course. I can’t decide if I want to be a golden wolf like one of my characters of In Flames, or a white wolf who comes later in the third book. But a wolf, nonetheless. Wolves are majestic creatures, very loyal to their pack, and fierce protectors of their own. Wild and playful, simple and true. These animals have gone through so much destruction and annihilation that their mere presence almost haunts the forest.
What is your fave food?
Well, right now anything that sounds appetizing. I’m actually expecting my second child who is so finicky that I really don’t get to decide what is my favorite food at this point in time. I will be happy when I can start making those choices by myself. Although, I will say ice cream never seems to fail. Sometimes fruity, sometimes chocolate.
What is the one writing tip you want to pass on to others?
Never give up. Keep working on your book until you have polished it to the best of your capabilities. Get a good set of beta readers who will tell you where the problem areas are. Don’t settle for someone who is going to pat you on the back, stroke your ego, and not tell you what needs work. When they have reviewed your work and have given you things to edit, do it, but then go back again and read your story. It is necessary to read your book almost to the point where you are tired of reading it. Then, and only then, can you step away for a moment. If you do not do these things, getting published is going to be so much harder for you.
You have the floor, what is the one thing you want to pass on?
Be happy with any amount of words you get written each day. Celebrate ANY amount of progress. Get involved with people who can lead you in the direction you want to go. Never give up on your dreams.
Ever since childhood, I have enjoyed reading stories as an escape from life. When I was a teenager I started to write my own stories that kept me entertained whenever I ran out of books to read. When I was accepted into Illinois Summer School for the Arts in my Junior year of High School, I knew I wanted to become a writer. I graduated from Illinois State University in December 1999 with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and began my teaching career, hoping to find moments to write in my free time.
After seven years of teaching, I decided to focus on my writing and made the decision to put my teaching years behind me so that I could create the stories I had always dreamed of. I am now happily married and a stay at home mom. I try my best to master the art of multitasking to get everything accomplished and write in any spare moment I can find.
Twitter @daenira
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