Hello all!!! I'm today's stop on AJ's "Pulse of Heroes" Blog Tour :) I've had the opportunity to interview AJ, so sit back, relax, and get to know her a little better :)

About the Book:
Give me the blurb for the book in 140 characters or less: Pulse Of Heroes is a suspenseful, passionate, paranormal romance that sweeps through the emotions of first love and heartache as it traverses centuries and continents.
Michelle used to feel like she was behind in everything, especially school and relationships. However, in junior year, everything changes. Her father takes a position on the Town Council, a popular boy in school becomes interested in her, and most importantly, the Hekademos Learning Center, a private school for 'troubled' students, moves into her quiet neighborhood amidst the protests of the entire town. After an embarrassing fall over the school wall, Michelle meets Elliot and her ordinary ‘bland’ life changes its course forever.
Elliot is no ordinary human. In fact, no one at the Hekademos Learning Center is. Beautiful and fierce, they have survived throughout the millennia by weaving in and out of human events. Through them, Michelle learns that history and myths from around the world are dotted with references to their kind. Michelle falls madly in love with the ever-striking and mysterious Elliot and, as much as he tries to fight it, he develops strong feelings for her as well. Although Elliot carries numerous painful memories from his many pasts, he disregards his own better judgment and the advice of his friends, and finds himself falling for Michelle‘s offbeat personality. During a family trip to Europe, she has to trust her intuition in order to face the danger and uncertainty of being drawn into Elliot’s wondrous world. Ultimately, it is up to Michelle to make the split-second, life-altering decision that will either tear them apart forever, or give them another chance.
Do you have a favorite character? Why is he/she/it your favorite?
Elliot De Costa is obviously my muse and he also happens to be a combination of a few of my own personal heroes; fictional and historical. He even has some traits from previous characters I have written. I think that in him I created what is ideal for me in terms of a man. Luckily he seems to fit in with most of my readers’ ideals too, or close to them. Funny is that I have grown to care about Michelle as if she were my sister or my cousin.
What do you hope readers will get from your book?
I want to open their eyes to a brand new world that exists here, in the one they live in and yet is hidden by years of the future. I want to pique their interest in their surroundings, and I want them to realize that we still live in the ripples of things that have taken place before we were here. I want my readers to question everything and keep an open mind. The other thing I want my readers to take away from this story is the idea of love, commitment, friendship and of personal growth. All in all the human experience.
About the Author:
What/Who inspires you?
People; heroes in their everyday normal lives and also the big heroes of history. I am also inspired by nature and music and by other authors… And of course by my undying faith and naïve optimism.
Hardest aspect of writing? Best/Easiest?
Trying to convince people how hard it really is.
When the words just flow and you’re in the zone.
Who is your writing hero?
William Shakespeare
About the Future:
What’s next for you?
Pulse Genesis- the 3rd and final installment in The Pulse Myth series. Also to write many more shorts about our beloved heroes so they can be added to The Pulse Historia series. Touring and taking over the world with The Pulse!
One outrageous goal for the future?
Visit the ancient ziggurats in what is now modern day Iraq.
Do you have any advice you'd like to share with other aspiring writers?
Keep writing no matter what it is. Poems, shorts, journal entries and stories, BUT, don’t force something out. That special story will come to you, not the other way around.
Sweet or salty?
I am sweet, but I prefer salty
Beach, plains or mountains?
Ocean! Gives me life.
Online, letters or in person?
All of the above-but I miss personal letters the most.
Ebook or print?
You can purchase her books on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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