About the Book:
Give me the blurb for the book in 140 characters or less:
A satirical narrative that proves even when it comes to major political issues, everyone has their own secrets and hidden agendas.
Do you have a favorite character? Why is he your favorite?
My favorite character in the book would have to be Sven Hyek because I made him a hybrid of the most right-wing, “out there,” “it's all about me” journalists and in doing so, I was able to show how egotistical and entitled some people feel after being in the spotlight for an extended amount of time.
What do you hope readers will get from your book?
That politics has turned into a childish game where its players would rather ensure things get done to their liking instead of making compromises and doing what's best for the community.
About the Author:
What/Who inspires you?
I've been writing comedy for a little over a decade so my inspirations come from all over the place, but what's had the biggest impact on me in terms of my writing style and my comedic timing is the work of such people as “Weird Al” Yankovic, Jon Stewart, Stephen Lynch, and the duo behind South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
Hardest aspect of writing?
The hardest aspect of writing is needing to shut yourself away from the rest of the world while you sit hunched over a keyboard for hours on end and focus on the story you're trying to tell. I've always thought of it as one of those love/hate relationships because I love what I do, but I hate being so stationary while I'm doing it.
The best thing about writing is that when it comes to the world you're creating, you're 100% in control. Your characters can behave however you want them to and say whatever dialogue you want to have come out of their mouths. It's a blast for me to set myself loose within my own little world because the parameters are limitless.
Who is your writing hero?
It's a toss-up between John Grisham and Stephen King. Both of those authors are so immensely talented and every time I finish a book of theirs, I always find myself wanting more.
About the Future:
What’s next for you?
From books and screenplays to independent films and video projects, you name it, I'm working on it. I find it's always good to have something going on so the creative juices keep flowing.
One outrageous goal for the future?
I don't know if I would consider it outrageous, but I actually went to school to study film and multimedia so I would love to one day own and operate my own studio and production company.
Do you have any advice you'd like to share with other aspiring writers?
Never let the naysayers stand in your way. If writing is something you truly love to do, you should pursue it head-on and try to submit your work wherever and whenever you can. Today's technology has made it easier than ever for anyone's dream to become a reality.
Sweet or salty?
Definitely sweet. Sometimes something too salty just leaves a bitter or unwanted taste in my mouth.
Beach, plains or mountains?
Plains are too plain and too much time at the beach can give you a sunburn, but mountains are always beautiful.
Online, letters or in person?
I prefer to do things in person whenever possible, but sometimes there are extenuating circumstances where you have to resort to communicating online for the sake of convenience and efficiency.
Ebook or print?
While Ebooks are quickly becoming the way of the future, I still prefer holding a tangible product so I'm going to have to go with print. (Agreed!!)
You can stalk Jerry on Facebook here and here.
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